
[club] George Eliot – Middlemarch : Rosamond

Rosamond incarne la frivolité et l’orgueil de la petite bourgeoise. Elle rappelle le personnage de Rosalie dans Agnes Grey…Mon faible pour ce type de personnage (mélange de perversité et d’innocence) me pousse à citer ce beau passage qui à mon avis se passe de commentaires.
« The shock to Rosamond was terrible. It seemed to her that no lot could be so cruelly hard as hers to have married a man who had become the centre of infamous suspicions. In many cases it is inevitable that the shame is felt to be the worst part of crime; and it would have required a great deal of disentangling reflection, such as had never entered into Rosamond’s life, for her in these moments to feel that her trouble was less than if her husband had been certainly known to have done something criminal. All the shame seemed to be there. And she had innocently married this man with the belief that he and his family were a glory to her! She showed her usual reticence to her parents, and only said, that if Lydgate had done as she wished he would have left Middlemarch long ago. ” (chapitre 75)

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